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Welcome to my site of this and that. The world wide web contains information that is weird wonderful and sometimes just plain wong. This is my contribution to that global pool. Please feel free to visit some sections and pages here.

These brand new pages are very much under construction and and these are just place holder bits I've put up to hold some pages that are in development. It is annoying to find incomplete web pages but I figure that by the time the seach engines have found these pages and you are here then there will be the content - in the meantime if you are here - my apologies :)


Cycling & Bike Stuff

Various pages about cycling in my life including straightening a room, my chain wear trial and ride videos of the 2012 Grape Ride


Paradigms and Relativity


What is money and how the accumulation of money drives boom and bust

Steam Power

A speculative look at how steam from renewable may be the a coming technology

La Vida Buena

Some favourite recipes


Found something on these pages useful or you learned something or especially if you plagiarised or copy or in any way use the content here in some way related to your work then donate - you donation helps keep these pages alive and growing.

Copyright Alec Ford 2012

I assert my moral and legal right to the information and content of these pages as embodied in the laws of many countries

The content of these pages is Libre (free to copy and distribute) but not Gratis (not Free of charge). That said you are welcome to view and hopefully enjoy or be enlightened by what you fine here and that just fine. If you are casual visitor then that is just fine but if you feel you experience here has been worth while then a donation is always welcome. Think of it as buying me a coofe or a beer of whatever.

If however you visit these pages in some sort of professional way and gain benefit in same way and especially if you plagiarise or copy any of this content in any way related to your work then I assert that you are obliged to mage a copyright donation commensurate with gain you make. Of course I'm not going to came after you but instead I offer this curse upon you if you do not make an appropriate conation:

I curse you that your private parts fester and rot in agonizingly putrid puss. Upon payment of you donation I lift this curse and wish you a speedy recovery.

Other reasons to donate:


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